URSSAF is one of the main employment stakeholders in France. In this article, we will explain and summarise it. URSSAF is an acronym of Unions de Recouvrement des cotisations de…
A mutuelle health insurance provides ‘top up’ cover for health costs not automatically reimbursed by the French state. This type of cover is mandatory for all salaried employees in France.…
France is well-known to have some of the world’s strongest legal protections against all forms of workplace bullying, with notoriously harsh sanctions for both the perpetrator and, potentially, the employer.…
In France, the DUERP – or Document Unique d’Evaluation des Risques Professionnels (Single Document for Professional Risk Assessment) – is the main reference tool for preventing accidents in the workplace.…
Disciplinary action is one of the largest areas of confusion for British companies employing people in France. Although the behaviour that constitutes a workplace offence is much the same in…