
Working Overtime in France: A Brief Guide for Employers

France’s legal 35-hour working week officially places it alongside those countries with the shortest legal working weeks in Europe.  However, in general French employees do not automatically stop working once…

French Employment: Explaining Conventions Collectives

Conventions collectives are written agreements, which are entered into between at least one employee representative trade union and at least one employer representative.  These agreements govern the individual and collective…

CSE Elections in France: The Process Explained

In a previous article, we discussed the background and eligibility for the election of members to the CSE (Comité Social et Économique).  Here, we will summarise the process for these…

Preventing Workplace Bullying in France

France is known to have some of the world’s strongest legal protections against bullying – whether physical, mental, or emotional – in the workplace.  Key components of French anti-bulling legislation…